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About 20 years ago I had a Kundalini (Soul Energy) Awakening. I could literally feel the explosion and permanent shift to a different flow of energy inside of me. My perception changed and I learned to use the energy to connect to other dimensions and levels of consciousness. This resulted in a new direction in art and life itself. I believe that with my art I now can inspire people to connect on a level beyond the physical with the guidance of the galactic spirits that are around all of us. 

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I love to visualise the magic of spiritual connections

My work is a reflection of my soul, vision and intuition. Like a fisherman I throw my net to catch my images. My intuition guides me to use these images in a positive and vibrant way of storytelling. The images I create are open for everybody to create their own unique story.


This new era we are entering is filling me with hope and joy. What seemed science fiction before, now becomes reality. So let's connect and enter this new galaxy full of opportunities together. 



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I work with egg tempera, oil crayons and a dash of oil paint to give meaning to the visual language that I have developed over the years. 

I believe art can touch lives like nothing else can. I'm happy to share my spiritual art on the blockchain. But If you rather have a personal painting of your inner spirit, please reach out to me and fill out the contact form. I will be honoured to create a special and personal artpiece just for you. 

"my desire to create, originates from a deep wish to share the magic and beauty of interhuman and galactical connections'' 

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